Forest Homeschool
Our Homeschool Program serves families who have chosen to homeschool their children ages 6-11 years old. In support of what parents have established as their own homeschooling curriculum, CFS offers additional programming focused on team-building, social/emotional learning, and environmental science.
In partnership with Sequatchie Cove Farm and the Friends of South Cumberland State Park, we have the wonderful opportunity to add a farming component to our Forest School curriculum in tandem with the classic forest classroom setting.

Homeschool students harvesting Candy-Roaster Squash at Sequatchie Cove Farm during our daily farm chore in Fall of 2023.
Hover over each location below to learn more!

South Cumberland State Park Visitor Center
In collaboration with the Friends of South Cumberland State park, our Homeschool students get a chance to explore their local state park in Tracy City, TN. Complete with Forest School Pavilion, teaching garden and nature playscape, the visitor center outdoor classroom is a perfect location for our program.

Daily Schedule
Mondays, Tuesdays & Thursdays 11:30am - 4:00pm
11:30am -- Arrival at South Cumberland State Park Visitor's Center
11:40am -- Lunch
12:00pm -- Free play
12:45pm -- Move to CFS outdoor classroom & begin Group Lesson
2:00pm -- Break (snack)
2:15pm -- Free crafting time
3:00pm -- Group hike + mindfulness activity
3:45pm -- Closing Circle
4:00pm -- Dismissal

Sequatchie Cove Farm
Sequatchie Cove is the perfect location for our farming & agricultural portion of Homeschool. Located in the heart of Sequatchie Valley, the 300 acre farm is home to chickens, goats, pigs, crops and more. At the CFS Homeschool program, we get a chance to learn about our food by working alongside the farmers.

Daily Schedule
Wednesdays 9:00am - 3:00pm
9:00am -- Arrive at Sequatchie Cove Farm
9:15am -- Circle Time
9:45am -- Helping around the farm (chicken chores, harvesting, watering, etc.)
10:45am -- Break/snack
11:00am -- Free play
12:00pm -- Lunch
12:15pm -- Group Lesson
1:00pm -- Hike
1:45pm -- Free play & mindfulness activity
2:30pm -- Closing Circle
3:00pm -- Dismissal

"The interactive, hands-on approach to learning about plant and animal species has sparked a genuine curiosity and appreciation for the environment. This unique setting has not only nurtured their understanding of the natural world but also cultivated a profound sense of self-awareness in relation to others and nature. We are grateful for the invaluable confidence and skills our children are gaining through this enriching journey at CFS."
— Allan & Caitlin Redd

"After spending lots of time at home during COVID and not getting much socialization outside of family time, CFS provided an ideal space for him to connect with his peers, teachers, and nature. He always returned home with exciting stories to share and had daily developed a bit more wonder in nature."
— Anonymous Parent
Homeschool Photo Gallery